- Lebitso la mantlha: E lumellana
- Naha: USA
- Mofutakwalo: tshabo, tshomo, terama
- Moetsi: J. Benson, A. Moorhead
- Tonakholo ea lefats'e: Loetse 7, 2019
- Tlhahiso ea pele Russia: La 26 Pulungoana 2020
- Naleli: J. Dornan, C. Aselton, E. Mackie, E. Ioannides, B. Oberst Jr., M. Bats Bradford, N. Tina Liu, A. Groben, D. A. Tyler, B. Holt le ba bang.
- Nako: Metsotso e 96
Shebella k'haravene ea sci-fi e tšosang "Edge of Time" (Synchronic) e nang le letsatsi la ho lokolloa Russia ka 2020 ho tsoa ho batsamaisi Justin Benson le Aaron Moorehead. Anthony Mackie le Jamie Dornan, ba etelletseng pele bapalami, ba nka leeto le thabisang.
Tekanyetso ea IMDb - 6.7.
Steve ke monna oa basali, Dennis o nyetse mme o na le bana ba babeli. Ha ba ntse ba sebetsa e le baoki ba fanang ka thuso ea bongaka maemong a tšohanyetso New Orleans nakong ea bosiu, ba qala ho kopana le sehlopha sa batho ba shoeleng kapa ba maemong a makatsang. Kamora ho etsa lipatlisiso, ba fumana hore e amana le sethethefatsi se secha sa Synchronic. Empa kamora hore morali oa letsibolo oa Dennis a nyamele, Steve o pepesetsoa 'nete e tšosang ka motho eo ho thoeng ke psychedelic, ea tla phephetsa tsohle tseo a li tsebang ka nnete le ka nako ea nako.
Steve o fumana hore o saletsoe ke libeke tse 6 feela a phela mme o nka qeto ea ho reka Synchronicles kaofela toropong ho sireletsa ba bang. Empa o fumana hore joale o na le pilisi ea nako e ka thusang ho fumana morali oa molekane oa hae ea lahlehileng.
E tataisoa ke Justin Benson (O shoa Hosasane, The Paranormal, Kamora khitla ea bosiu, B / L / L: The New Virus, Breaking) le Aaron Moorehead (Fallout - Nuclear Smoke Break).
Sehlopha sa Voiceover:
- Screenplay: J. Benson;
- Bahlahisi: J. Benson, David Lawson Jr. ("Kill for 68"), Michael Mendelssohn ("Moon Box", "The Armory Baron"), jj.;
- Mosebetsi oa likhamera: A. Moorhead;
- Artists: Ariel Vida (O shoa Hosasane), Kati Simon (The Paranormal), Laura Christina Ortiz (Moloi oa Pele) le ba bang;
- Ho hlophisa: Justin Benson (Selemo), Michael Felker (Fumana Ngoanana), A. Moorehead;
- 'Mino: Jimmy LaValle (Lefifing, 3022).
- Lihlahisoa tsa Lerato le Lefu (LDP)
- Patriot Litšoantšo LLC
- Lihlahisoa tsa Pfaff & Pfaff
- Lifilimi tsa Rustic
Likarolo tse etellang pele:
- Jamie Dornan ("The Crash", "Hang Kamora Nako") - Dennis;
- Catherine Aselton (Selekane, Ofisi, Legion, Motlatsi oa Mopresidente) - Tara;
- Anthony Mackie (Real Steel, Re Sehlopha se le Seng, Captain America: Ntoa ea Lehae, Bafetoleli ba Sebele, The Hurt Locker) - Steve;
- Ellie Ioannides (Lehoatateng la Lefu, Batsoali, Molao le Taolo. Setsi se Ikhethileng sa Mahlatsipa) - Brianna Dannelly;
- Bill Oberst e monyane. ("Bophelo ba Lekunutu ba Linotsi", "Likelello Tsa Bokebekoa", "Scream Queens") - Moferefere;
- Martin Bats Bradford (Green Book, Dirt, American Horror Story) - Bob;
- Natasha Tina Liu (Cobra Kai) - Christina;
- Aaron Groben (The Eric Andre Show, Face Off, Likhaolo);
- Devin A. Tyler (Pale ea Bohelehele ea Button ea Benjamin, E Bapaloa ke Melao ea Ba Bang, Lilemo Tse 12 tsa Bokhoba) - Danica;
- Betsy Holt ("Ditshila", "Moreri") - Leah.
Lintlha tse khahlisang
Na u ne u tseba:
- Moeli oa lilemo ke 18+.
- Filimi e phatlalalitsoe Moketeng oa Filimi oa Machaba oa Toronto oa 2019.
- The Edge of Time (2020) e na le litšupiso tsa letoto la 1993-2018 The X Files. Dennis o bua ka lenaneo lena ha a bua le morali oa hae.