- Lebitso la mantlha: Mahlo a Tammy Faye
- Mofutakwalo: terama, biography
- Moetsi: Michael Showalter
- Tonakholo ea lefats'e: 2021
- Naleli: J. Chastain, V. D'Onofrio, E. Garfield, C. Jones, S. Jager, S. McIntyre, F. Lena, C. Hlooho, G. Olds, M. Vystrach le ba bang.
Tšoantšiso e ncha ea lipale ea motsamaisi Michael Showalter e ipapisitse le tokomane e bolelele bo felletseng ba 2000 ea lebitso le le leng ka bophelo ba Tammy Fay, sebini sa Mokreste sa Amerika, moevangeli, rakhoebo, mongoli le moamoheli oa mananeo a TV. Letsatsi la tereilara le la tokollo la "Mahlo a Tammy Faye" le lebelletsoe ho 2021, morero o phatlalalitsoe, batšoantšisi ba ka sehloohong ke Jessica Chastain, Andrew Garfield le Vincent D'Onofrio.
Tekanyo ea litebello - 96%.
Filimi e hlalosa ho phahama, ho oa le ho ikoahlaea ha baevangeli ba TV ba Tammy Faye Becker le Jim Becker, ba neng ba tsamaisa lenaneo la Bokreste ho tloha 1976 ho isa 1987. Ba ile ba aha 'muso o matla oa ho etsa chelete o ba potileng, o ileng oa qetella o putlame kamora letoto la lihlong tsa thobalano, bosholu ba lichelete le liketso tsa lira.
E tataisoa ke Michael Showalter (Lerato ke Lefu, Lerato, Lefifing).
Sehlopha sa lifilimi:
- Screenplay: Abe Sylvia (Ba Ratang, ba Shoeleng ho Nna);
- Bahlahisi: Kelly Carmichael (Narcosis), Jessica Chastain (Mosali oa Zoo Keeper, Ho Nyamela ha Eleanor Rigby: Bona), Gigi Pritzker (The Road, The Way Home), jj.
- Motsamaisi: Mike Giulakis (Servant House);
- Artists: Laura Fox ("500 Days of Summer"), Charles Varga ("Gifted"), Mitchell Travers ("Borobeli Kereiti").
- Litšoantšo tsa Fox Searchlight;
- Lifilimi tsa Freckle;
- Boithabiso ba Lot Lot;
- Lihlahisoa tse Semi-Semmuso.
Litholoana tse khethehileng: FX e robehileng.
Sebaka sa ho nkuoa filimi: North Carolina, USA. Ho nkuoa filimi ho qala ka Mphalane 2019.
Lintlha tse khahlisang
Na u ne u tseba hore:
- Jessica Chastain o iketsetsa likoahelo tsa lipina tsa mantlha tsa Tammy Fay Bakers.
- Jessica Chastain le Cherry Jones ba hlahisitse Catherine Sloper ho The Heiress to Broadway ka 2012 le 1995, ka ho latellana. Jones o ile a fuoa Moputso oa Tony bakeng sa ts'ebetso ea hae.
- Lintlha tsa sengoloa sa 2000 sa mantlha ke batsamaisi Fenton Bailey le Randy Barbato: KinoPoisk - 5.4, IMDb - 7.1. Kakaretso ea liofisi tsa US - $ 1,029,591.
Ha ho so tsejoe ha Mahlo a Tammy Fay a tla lokolloa neng, empa hoa tsebahala hore Fox Searchlight e beha filimi ena e le e mong oa ba khethetsoeng khau ea 2020, haholo ha batšoantšisi Garfield le Chastain ba amohela likhetho tsa Oscar ka 2019. Ena ke e 'ngoe ea lifilimi tse lebelletsoeng ka ho fetesisa tsa 2021, ka hona re ts'epa hore basomi le bamameli ba tla e ananela. Lula u mametse letsatsi la tokollo le k'haravene ea The Eyes of Tammy Faye (2020) e nang le batšoantšisi ba tummeng le pale ea lipale.